Atta Halilintar

Halilintar – born Muhammad Attamimi Halilintar on November 20, 1994 in Dumai, Riau, Sumatra, Indonesia – is a social media influencer, actor, rapper, and singer. Although he’s best known for his social media presence, he has managed to turn his online popularity into a movie and music career. His social media career began as a member of the popular Gen Halilintar family, who have created an entertainment empire based around their travel vlogs, music, and publications. Atta Halilintar is the eldest of 11 children and while in elementary school, he became involved in the financial side of his family business. While running the Gen Halilintar business, he launched his own YouTube account in 2016. By 2020, he had 26.1 million subscribers and was the most popular YouTuber in Indonesia and the 22nd most popular in the world. During his climb up the social media ladder, he began appearing in films including 13: The Haunted (2018), The Return of the Devil Child (2019) and Ashiap Man (2020). In keeping with the family tradition, He also began releasing a series of songs and videos including “Viral” (2017), “God Bless You” (2018) and “Work Hard Pray Hard” (2018). In early April 2021, he released the single “Hari Bahagia”, a duet with Aurel Hermansyah. While Atta Halilintar is a beloved social media personality, he has also courted controversy during his career. In March 2019, he posted a video of himself with a gun shortly after the Christchurch mosque shootings. In November of the same year, he created an Islamic prayer prank video that allegedly included blasphemy. In both situations, he was accused of toxic behavior.

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