Ayumikurikamaki, also known as Ayukuma, is a Japanese idol group that formed from the DJ unit Kurikamaki, initially made up of Kurika and Maki, classmates from Kobe. They began their music career in 2012, gaining attention by posting their performances on Niconico. They debuted with their first single, "Analoguma-girl", in 2013, which ranked 136 on the Oricon weekly chart. The addition of Ayumi in 2014 transformed the duo into a trio, leading to their rebranding as Ayumikurikamaki. The group's first single under the new name, "Jet Kumastar" released in July 2014, saw significant success, ranking 23rd on the Oricon chart. Their major label debut came with the whimsically titled "Shake Shake Shake" in March 2015, peaking at number 11. This was followed by "Honey Honey Honey" in June 2015, which not only reached number 9 on the Oricon chart but also served as an ending theme for the anime Punch Line. Their third major single, "Shin-yuu Forever" released in November 2015, continued their success, charting at number 17. Despite a serious car accident in December 2015 that temporarily halted their activities, the group made a comeback with the release of their first album, Ayumikurikamaki ga yattekuru! Kuma! Kuma! Kuma! in April 2016, which reached number 8 on the Oricon Albums Chart.

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