Cerise Bouquet is a Japanese female idol group. They are the fifth member of the Love Live! series. The group is composed of the characters and their voice actors who appear in the fifth work of the media mix series Love Live! Ren-no-Sora Jogakuin School Idol Club, a sub-unit of the 9-member unit Ren-no-Sora Jogakuin School Idol Club, consisting of the characters and their voice actors who appear in the fifth work of the media mix series Love Live! The members are Kimi Yui (played by Hanaho Hinoshita), Hatsuna Hanamiya (played by Kozue Otomune), and Hina Sakurai (played by Ginko Momosei). 2023 saw the release of their first single "Reflection in the mirror" on April 26, followed in June by the release of their second sub-unit DOLLCHESTRA. Following the release of their second single "Dazzling Night" in August, they released their third single "Sogao no Pixel" in November, and when Sakurai joined the group in 2024, they began their activities as a three-member group, releasing their fourth single "Getsuyomi Umizuki" on September 4. The 4th single "Tsukuyomi Umizuki" was released on September 4.
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