I to U $CREAMing!!, often referred to as "Ayusuku," is a Japanese female idol duo known for their lyrical and contrasting performances by members Nana Aihara and Rin Yuumi. They were formed on June 1, 2018, and quickly made a mark with their debut one-man live performance titled "Renaissance" at Shinjuku Red Nose. Their journey through the idol scene includes notable singles such as "hikari" released on February 10, 2019, and "Melodia of Lyricism/End of Summer" released on September 29, 2019. Their discography is marked by continuous engagement with their fans through anniversary concerts and special project releases. Notably, their Lily she ism, a three-year anniversary one-man show, was held at Shinjuku LOFT. The release of their EP Parfait (2021). and their concept album miroir monde (2022) further solidified their presence in the industry. Their latest EP, Relief was released on November 8, 2024, featuring the song "Ghost beat."
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