
Lichterkinder is a music project from Germany that lets children sing old and new children's songs. The music project works together with the aid organization World Vision Germany, which has launched a campaign of the same name. The songs are not only aimed at parents and children, but also at teachers in toddler groups, kindergartens and elementary school. The music project has been producing and releasing albums regularly since 2016. The debut album Spiel- Und Bewegungslieder was followed by the albums Laternen- Und Herbstlieder (2016), Gemeinsam Sind Wir Stark. Spiel-, Spaß- und Lernlieder (2017), Spiel- Und Bewegungslieder Auf Weltreise (2018), Weihnachts- Und Winterlieder (2018), Traditionelle Kinderlieder (2019), Vom Sternreich Zur Erde (2020), Schlaflieder (2021), Tanz- Und Partylieder (2021), Video Mixe (2021) and Musik für das Theaterstück (2021). There is a sing-along karaoke version of all the songs on the albums. The songs are aimed primarily at children aged 0 to 10. Most recently, the album Laternen- und Herbstlieder 2 (2023) was released with the singles "Der Herbst ist da", "Lichterkinder" and "Ich geh' mit meiner Laterne" (all 2024).

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