Maison book girl

Maison Book Girl was a Japanese alternative pop group. They formed in 2014, unveiling their final lineup on November 5. The following March, the group released their debut singles "White" and "Black." Shortly after that, Maison Book Girl began working on their debut album Bath Room, finally released on September 23, 2015, establishing their presence in the music industry. Following this, they released the EP Summer Continue (2016), and their single "River (Cloudy Irony)" on November 30, 2016, under Tokuma Shoten. Each release steadily gained popularity for their group. Their second studio album, Image, came out on April 5, 2017. The singles "412 (rooms)" and "Cotoeri" were also released the same year. In early 2018, Maison Book Girl signed with UK label Read The Air Records. Their third studio album, Yume, followed in 2018. The following year saw the release of the singles "Soup" and "Umbla," as well as the group's fourth studio album, Umi to Uchu no Kodomotachi (2018). After amassing a large career, the group released their first compilation album in 2020, titled Fiction. The compilation was initially scheduled for April 29, 2020, but was postponed to June due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Maison Book Girl disbanded on May 30, 2021, following their Solitude Hotel concert at Maihama Amphitheater.

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