Marvin Jouno

Born in Brittany, Marvin Jouno first came to prominence in 2010 with Picture a Song, an ambitious project combining music and image, but which remained confidential despite opening for Julien Doré and Cali. Despite a second EP, L'ivoire, released in 2013, Marvin Jouno revealed his dark pop universe to the general public when he took part in a radio talent show on France Inter's On a les moyens de vous faire chanter. In 2015, he released the four-track EP Ouverture, which included the critically acclaimed "Quitte à me quitter". In March 2016, the man who studied film direction and was destined to become a film director finally released his debut album, Intérieur Nuit. It quickly climbed the French sales charts, and drew comparisons with glorious predecessors such as Benjamin Biolay and even Alain Bashung.

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