Japanese ensemble News (styled as the acronym NEWS, which derives from the cardinal points North, East, West, South), was established in 2003 under the Johnny's Entertainment label, and comprises Keiichiro Koyama, Takahisa Masuda, and Shigeaki Kato. The group's membership experienced substantial changes over the years, with the group featuring a range of vocalists such as Ryo Nishikido, Tomohisa Yamashita, Takahiro Moriuchi, Hiroki Uchi, Hironori Kusano, and Yuya Tegoshi. From its inception in 2003, the group achieved a remarkable breakthrough on the Japanese music charts, consecutively claiming the top spot with singles like "News Nippon," "Kibō (Yell)," "Akaku Moyuru Taiyō," and "Cherish." All these tracks were included in the group's debut studio album, titled Touch, released in 2005, which also scored the Number 1 position, marking the initiation of an incredible streak for NEWS, with their subsequent 11 albums achieving the same feat, spanning from Pacific in 2007 to Ongaku (音楽) in 2022. In 2023, the trio released NEWS EXPO, followed by JapaNEWS in 2024. Both albums once again debuted at Number 1, proving once more to be an unstoppable force in the industry.
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