Sttellla is a humorous Belgian rock band formed by the duo Jean-Luc Fonck and Mimi Crofilm in March 1975. Jean-Luc Fonck admits to mastering no instrument, and has a blast at the keyboard, relying on his partner to provide the musical backing. Jean-Luc, for his part, wrote a number of puns that would make the duo a success, starting with their first self-produced single, " Jane Te Crois Plus ". With the release of their first album, Pouet-Pouette, the duo's minimalist rock style was confirmed, attracting a punk audience who got a kick out of songs like "Ma Maman Elle As du Travail" and "Bonnet De Nuit Laid Petits". After the release of their third album, Les poissons s'en fishent et les pieds s'en footent (1988), the band, already well known in Belgium, crossed the border to France, Switzerland and Quebec. A new era begins with the signing to Boucherie Productions, and the release of L'avenir est à ceux qui s'éléphanteau (1990). 1992 saw the release of Manneken Pis not war, which went gold thanks in part to the single "Torremolinos". Mimi Crofilm left Sttellla, but new musicians joined the band after the release of Dark Side of the Mold (1995). This album, which also went gold, featured a number of guest stars, including Benoît Poelvoorde and Jeff Bordart. Jean-Luc Fonck became a real star, touring extensively as far afield as the United States for his " Apache Tour ", and establishing himself as the king of puns, on the radio where he presents a daily humor column, in books with his Histoires à Délire Debout (a collection directed by Philippe Geluck) and still on record, releasing an album on average every two years. In 2016, Sttella successfully tried his hand at songs for young audiences, with ComPile'Poil . In 2022, he released his Ep Pas de sens, supported by the single "Démarre la Toyota".
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