Dotensei Tensei Shoujo. is a Japanese idol group formed in 2021 based on the concept of the world of light novels. The 10 members are Koushi Himari, Kohaku Carnival, Aoharu Ramune, Nahaki Shina, Shion Hyuga, Rei Shu, Miun Hani, Setsuna Higure, Mei Hiranami, and Shunka Aki. In February 2022, they released the single "Yume Shizuku" and its first music video was released on YouTube. In October of the same year, they released their debut album, "10 Reasons Why You Shouldn't Reincarnate in Another World." In 2023, the singles "Chiguhagu Q&A" and "Jinden Jinden Rhapsody" were released, followed in 2024 by two consecutive months of singles, "I'm telling you, this feeling is not love! and "Skirt Length Genius" in June.
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