The Timers is a Japanese rock band known for their unique approach and satirical style. Led by ZERRY, who bears a striking resemblance to Kiyoshiro Imawano, the band features four members and is famously recognized for their distinctive masked performances. Formed with a concept of blending rock, blues, enka, and Jaritale Pop, they have a distinctive stance of not being particularly fond of RC Succession. The band became active during the vibrant band boom of 1988-1989, making guerrilla appearances at live events and college festivals. In 1989, The Timers made a major debut under Toshiba EMI, quickly becoming known for their edgy performances that bordered on broadcasting accidents. After a period of inactivity, the band resurged in 1994 with new releases and tours, emphasizing their ongoing relevance with a surprise performance at Kiyoshiro Imawano's 35th-anniversary show in 2005. Their debut single "Day Dream Believer"(1989) a Japanese cover of The Monkees' "Daydream Believer," became a hit as it was featured in an Acecook Super Cup commercial. The song continued to gain popularity, being used in commercials for Suntory Malts and Seven Eleven over the years and covered by many musicians, cementing its place as a staple in Japanese pop culture. Their first album THE TIMERS was released on November 8, 1989 The band’s lineup comprises ZERRY on vocals and guitar, TOPPI on guitar, BOBBY on bass, and PAH on drums.
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