Chrono▷◀Reverse, known as Chronover, is a dynamic six-member utaite group that debuted on March 16, 2024, under the Voising 2.5D Idol project. The members are Kaname, Amayume Remu, Charlo, ARKHE, Shino and Urumiya. This group emerged from the competitive auditions of Voising The Next Players, showcasing their versatility and cohesion. Chronover is structured into two teams, each spearheaded by a group leader, allowing them to continuously innovate and defy conventional norms within their musical genre. The group's repertoire includes a variety of creative outputs, from original music to covers, and extends into pranks and animations, making their online video platform channel a primary hub for engaging with fans. Their activities aren't confined to music alone; they also delve into novel games and anime-inspired content, aiming to captivate a broad audience with their unique approach and diverse projects. The release of their album Momentum (2024) marks a significant phase in their career, highlighting their evolving artistry and commitment to pushing creative boundaries.
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