Phoenix Legend (凤凰传奇) is a renowned Chinese music duo known for their unique fusion of folk and hip-hop elements. The duo consists of Ling Hua (玲花), a talented female vocalist with Inner Mongolian heritage, who delivers earthy and emotive vocals in Mandarin Chinese and Mongolian, and Zeng Yi (曾毅), a skilled rapper from Hunan. In 2005, Phoenix Legend achieved widespread recognition when the title single “月亮之上” from their debut album became an instant sensation, with second album, 吉祥如意 (2007), further solidifying their success. Breaking away from their signature sound, the duo released the highly acclaimed 最炫民族风 in 2009, showcasing their versatility with a mix of ballads, dance music, and rock, which brought them international attention. By 2012, it was reported that Phoenix Legend had sold more than six million albums in China since 2005, with ten of their songs attracting over one billion online hits. Over the years to come, the duo released another three albums 大聲唱 (2011) 最好的时代 (2014) and 远方的远方还是远方 (2016) followed by several non-album singles including “青云直上” (2017), “山河图” (2019) and “过山” (2020), leading to the release of their highly anticipated 2021 album 听见中国听见你. In 2023, the duo returned with single “驶向春,” the success of which sparked a resurgence of 2009 hit “奢香夫人,” seeing the popular song returning to the Chinese charts.
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