CUTIE STREET, an eight-member idol group managed by ASOBISYSTEM, joined the KAWAII LAB project as the fifth group. The members are Furusawa Risa, Sano Aika, Itakura Kana, Masuda Ayano, Kawamoto Emiru, Umeda Miyu, Manabe Nagisa, and Sakuraba Haruka.Their formation was officially announced on July 22, 2024, with the group coming together just a week later on July 30. They swiftly made their stage debut on August 4, 2024. This quick progression from formation to debut highlights the group's readiness and the efficient management under the KAWAII LAB project, which continues to expand its influence in the idol scene. The group's formation and activities mark a new chapter in promoting the "kawaii" culture further into the mainstream. The release titled "Kawaii Dake ja Dame Desu ka?"(2024) showcases their unique blend of charm and musical talent, positioning them as rising stars in the pop idol industry.
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