Franco Fagioli

Franco Fagioli is an Argentine countertenor singer born on May 4, 1981. After studying piano and singing, he made his debut in Buenos Aires, then in Europe, where his unusual tessitura won him several competitions. Specializing in Baroque music, particularly Handel, the young performer sings under the direction of great conductors in the operas Giulio Cesare, Ariodante, Teseo and Berenice, as well as others by Monteverdi, Gluck and Rossini. On disc, Franco Fagioli extends his repertoire to arias by Mozart and Porpora, and pays tribute to the repertoire of Italian castrato Caffarelli. His attachment to the work of Leonardo Vinci finds fulfillment in the recording of the operas Arterse (2012) and Catone in Utica (2015). In 2016, he changes style for his Rossini recital, devoted to transvestite roles, formerly performed by women with mezzo-soprano timbre.

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