Genin Wa Jibun Ni Aru., abbreviated as Genjibu, is a seven-member vocal dance group from Japan under Stardust Promotion. Originally named BATTLE STREET, the group underwent several transformations before adopting its current name. The members are Okura Takato, Koizumi Kohsaku, Sakuragi Masaya, Nagano Ryota, Muto Jun, Mokudai Kazuto and Yoshizawa Kaname. The rebranding from BATTLE STREET to Genin Wa Jibun Ni Aru. occurred on August 7, 2019, a move that marked a significant transition in their musical journey. Their career began with their first single "ebidence" in November 2018 under the BATTLE STREET name, followed by a series of singles that were exclusively sold through Loppi & HMV. They officially debuted as Genin Wa Jibun Ni Aru. in 2019 with their single by the same name. The group is known for their innovative approach to music and performance, often involving interactive digital events and themed live streams that engage their audience in unique ways. In 2021, they released their first album Multiverse which quickly climbed to the top of the Oricon Daily Album Ranking, marking a milestone as their first chart-topping release. Their second EP Tetrahedron (2024) also reached number one on the chart.
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