M.O.N.T is a South Korean boy band hailing from Ganghwa Island, Incheo, under FM Entertainment. Originally debuting as a trio with Narachan (leader), Roda (rapper), and Bitsaeon (main vocalist), the group introduced their musical style with the R&B-dancehall single "Sorry" on May 21, 2017, as a pre-debut release, marking their official debut with mini-album, Going Up, featuring the lead single "Will You Be My Girlfriend?" on January 4, 2019 which charted at number 61. Following their debut, M.O.N.T embarked on a world tour from March to May, performing in 16 cities across 11 countries, before unveiling the patriotic single "대한민국만세" ("Daehan Minguk Mansae") two days ahead of the National Liberation Day of Korea. Transitioning into 2020, M.O.N.T initiated the "M.O.N.T. Arena" project, aiming to add six new members and create three teams with distinct genres and concepts. Rapper Beomhan was unveiled as the first new member on January 31, 2021 and the group released their second mini-album, Awesome Up!, shortly after with lead single "Rock Paper Scissors" charting at number 49. Throughout 2020, M.O.N.T released a string of additional tracks, including "Tired," "Boom Bang," "Shadow," and "Anti-Hero." After Bitsaeon announced his mandatory military enlistment, members Roda and Narachan independently released solo songs, "Anxious" and "Beautiful Sunday” before the group reunited to release new singles "Bottle" and "Stupidly in Love" in 2021, followed by "Telescope" on June 3, 2022.

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Stations Featuring M.O.N.T

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