Takuya Nakazawa, born on October 3, 1995, in Nagaoka City, Niigata Prefecture, is a Japanese singer and former aspiring racing driver. After a financially challenging pursuit of a career in motorsports, Nakazawa shifted his focus to music. He attended Kaishi Gakuen High School where he specialized in vocal performance. Nakazawa’s musical career took off after he was crowned champion on an episode of "NHK Nodo Jiman" just before graduating high school, which led to being scouted by Japan Crown and subsequently apprenticing under composer Masami Tao. In 2017, Nakazawa made his major debut with Japan Crown with the single "Aoi Diamond" and quickly gained acclaim in the traditional Japanese music scene. His achievements include awards from the 50th Japan Cable Awards and the 59th Japan Record Awards among others. Throughout his career, Nakazawa has also been recognized with numerous new artist awards in genres such as enka and kayokyoku, establishing himself as a prominent figure in contemporary traditional Japanese music. His 9th single is titled "Aoi Sora no Shita" (2015).
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