The Gesualdo Six

Formed in Cambridge, England in 2014, The Gesualdo Six is classical vocal ensemble founded by choirmaster and bass voice Owain Park. The group initially came together to perform Carlo Gesualdo’s Tenebrae Responsories on Maundy Tuesday in 2014. The ensemble was comprised of former members of the University of Cambridge including tenors Joseph Wicks and Josh Cooter, countertenor Guy James, baritone Michael Craddock, and second bass voice Jonathan Pacey, who left the following year and was replaced by Samuel Mitchell. The Gesualdo Six’s repertoire focuses on early and Renaissance music but also performs contemporary music from composers such as John Rutter, Ligeti, Łukaszewski, and compositions from leader Owain Park. The ensemble spent the 2015-2016 season in residence as St. John’s Smith Square Young Artists in London and curated a composition competition in 2016 that attracted over 170 international entries. When they curated a second competition in 2018, they received nearly double that number of entries from around the globe. Signing with the Hyperion label, The Gesualdo Six released their debut album, English Motets, in 2018. They followed that release with Christmas (2019), Fading (2020), Josquin’s Legacy (2021), Tenebrae Responsories (2022), and Lux Aeterna (2022). In 2023, The Gesualdo Six released Byrd: Mass for Five Voices & Other Works, which reached number 9 on the Classical Albums chart in the UK. During their career, The Gesualdo Six has performed at numerous festivals around the world including the UK, Europe, Australia, and North America. They collaborated with many other artists including the Brodsky Quartet, London Mozart Players, and Matilda Lloyd.

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