
Thibault Godillat was born in Bergerac (Dordogne), where he was rocked by the folk music of Bob Dylan, Bon Iver and Francis Cabrel. In love with the Dordogne and his father's acoustic guitar, he began writing songs in parallel with his studies in Périgueux. He approached MyMajor Company internet users, who helped him produce his first single "On n'est pas bien là?". Released in March 2015 and enhanced by a video shot in Thailand, the song soon became a hit through streaming listens. "Ton sourire" (Your smile ) and "Nation" (Nation ) take care of keeping the focus on his preparatory work for a future debut album due in 2017 throughout 2016. In the meantime, Tibz opens for Louane, Mickey 3D and Boulevard des Airs.

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