Backdrop Cinderella, also known as Backdropcinderella, formed in the Ikebukuro district of Tokyo, Japan, in 2006. Embracing a diverse spread of influences, the group established an eccentric, unpredictable sound that included hardcore, folk, rock, metal, and Irish textures. Vocalist Ayumi Dendeke, guitarist Wataru "Perry" Toshima, bassist Kyanako Asahi, and drummer Kazunori Onigashima introduced this sound with Kao, a four-track EP featuring songs like "Atama Settei 6" and "Inu no Mawari-san." The EP Kite followed one year later, with Pitchon Impossible marking Backdrop Cinderella's full-length debut in 2008. Continuing to record a prolific streak of EP and albums, the band released Noukara Hana and Nippon Impossible in 2009, Cinderella wa Unzaunza o Odoru in 2011, Jackson in 2012, Sugoi! Kimi! in 2013, and Taiwan Fortune in 2014. Another full-length record, Cinderella wa ii Anbai, was also reealsed in 2014. The following year found the band issuing another pair of EPs — Alaska Aventure and COOL Desu — as well as the full-length record OPA! Highlights from the band's first decade of material were compiled into Backdrop Cinderella's first greatest hits collection, BEST desu, which was released in 2016. The group then finished the 2010s by releasing three additional records: 2017's Mayonaka no Taiyo wo Kimi wa Shiranai, 2019's Viva, and 2019's Iwae! Asa ga Kuru Made. The early 2020s found the group issuing a handful of well-recei ed EPs, including 2022's 3rd ep.
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