The K-pop boy group TAN was formed in December 2021, immediately following the final episode of the South Korean television show Extreme Debut: The Wild Idol. The group's lineup — Sunghyuk, Changsun, Jaejun, Taehoon, Jiseong, Hyunyeop, and Jooan — featured several singers who had previously performed in groups like C-Clown, 24K, Rainz, We In The Zone, and NTX. After rehearsing in the band's hometown of Seoul, South Korea, TAN (whose name is an acronym for "To All Nations") made its live debut on December 29, 2021, with a televised performance of the single "Diving to the Top" on the 2021 MBC Entertainment Awards. TAN's first official single, "Du Du Du," followed in early 2022 and peaked at number 59 on the Circle Chart. Also arriving in 2022 were a series of well-received EPs — 1TAN, which charted at Number 24; 2TAN (Wish Version), which charted at number 16; and 2TAN (We Version), which reached number 27 — as well as the two-song single album Dream & Deurim, which climbed to number 42. Another single album, the four-track Essege, followed in 2023 and reached number 16. Later that summer, TAN returned with an EP, TAN Made, which peaked at number 30 on the South Korean charts. In 2024, they released the first album TAN W SERIES '3TAN'(WORLD Ver.). The group disbanded on June 29, 2024.
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