Fred & Fabrício, a Brazilian sertanejo duo composed of Fred Liel and Fabrício Fiori, officially formed in 2021, combining their solo experiences and unique vocal dynamic, often alternating between lead and backing vocals. Known as the "duo of four voices," their career began with the project Acústico de Primeira, a collection of reimagined sertanejo classics alongside the original hit "Proposta Alcoolizada." The duo gained traction, signing with Som Livre and releasing the acclaimed Ao Quadrado DVD in 2022, featuring hits like "Paredão Desmoronou" with Hugo & Guilherme and the standout track "Surto de Raiva." Building on this momentum, they continued the Acústico de Primeira series, collaborating with prominent artists such as Jorge & Mateus on the platinum-certified "Flor de Plástico." In 2023, they recorded the emotionally charged Infinito Pra Sempre, led by tracks like "Dia 7" and "Poder de Mentir," inspired by their promise of enduring partnership. In 2024, their single "Gotejou no Celular" with Clayton & Romário entered the streaming Top 100 in Brazil, demonstrating their evolving commercial appeal. 2024 saw the release of the live LPs Infinito Pra Sempre and Acústico de Primeira 3, which included the hit single "Sexta-Feira."
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